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Free Family Fiber Day with the Scandinavian Weavers Study Group

  • Norway House 913 East Franklin Avenue Minneapolis United States (map)

Free Fiber Family Day is a time to bring your children, friends, and neighbors for a day of weaving demonstrations and an opportunity to view the exceptional gallery exhibit, “Vibrant Traditions; Scandinavian Weaving in the Midwest.” This collection is a career retrospective of a number of textile artists who have specialized in learning and teaching Scandinavian weaving styles.

Members of the Scandinavian Weavers Study Group of the Weavers Guild of Minnesota will be in the Joan and Walter Mondale Galleri for a relaxed and free day of demonstrations. Viking weaving, working on an inkle loom, and working a frame loom will be demonstrated throughout the day. Coloring sheets with tapestry designs will be available.

Have lunch at the Kaffebar, where you will find pastries, lefse dogs, meatballs on mashed potatoes and other family-friendly offerings.

Norway House is collecting donations for Community Emergency Service. Please consider bringing a donation to add to our barrel in the lobby. Peanut butter is especially appreciated at this time. CES also collects pet food to help our neighbors struggling to care for their animals.


March 22

Vibrant Traditions: Scandinavian Weaving in the Midwest

March 27

Hygge Happy Hour: Jazz Night & Member Specials