Join our dear friends at Mindekirken for their weekly lunch and lecture program, featuring Ellen Hofsø—author of nine popular fiction books providing glimpses into the lived experiences of the Sami in Scandinavia.
Her last book—Messe for de navnløse (A Mass for the Nameless)—was inspired by a mass held by Pastor Gunnar Kristiansen in 2004. Having taken place on a cemetery in Gildeskål, Norway, the mass was for all of the Sami who were buried in an unmarked mass grave. The presentation will be held in a style that is called bokbad (book bath) in Norway, where Ellen Hofsø and Pastor Gunnar will engage in a dialogue about her book.
10:30AM Doors Open
11:00AM Lunch
11:45AM Welcome + Announcements
12:00AM Program Presentation
$10 cash/check is kindly requested at the door | Includes both lunch and the program.